Saturday 18 April 2015

Thriller Evaluation, Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


Personally, I prefer to write everything directly onto the blog as it's in a format that's easy to both operate and read, plus it doesn't require any additional software. I attempted using a website called 'Prezi' a few times but the website always has problems and personally I think it's a waste of time dealing with third-party software when Bloggers in-built word system is more than adequate. Furthermore, Prezis are usually presented in such a way where it makes it harder to read since it has no particular layout and the paragraphs are usually in random places and in seperate squares or bubbles - which make it look unprofessional.

The use of blogging on the internet is great because it allows enhanced communications between students and teachers and allows your progress to be seen in real time from almost any device - which is crucial when a film as good communications plays an important role in the outcome of the sequence.

Social Media:

Facebook was a massive help to our group as it allowed us to communicate with eachother and plan the days we would be filming the sequence. 

Digital Technologies: 


For the filming process we used a digital video recorder which is now accepted as the standard means of recording. The benefits of this include:

  • As opposed to film, digital files don't degrate
  • The files are easily transferable and copy
  • Film is harder and more expensive to produce edits of
Overall, It's beneficial to young independent film makers that digital is now more effective than ever as good film cameras and editing tools would have only been available to those who could afford it. We are living in a time where digital cameras are constantly getting better 


Premiere Pro:

For the editing process I used Premiere Pro, I had only used this software a few times previously but I learn alot about how to use it through trial and error when making the film. I learnt that it is an incredibly versatile piece of software that allows the user to create as many channels of both video and audio and add as many effects as necessary. Adobe Premiere was extremely helpful in several ways:

  • Layering sounds: It was crucial that in Delusion some of the sounds were layered as it created more ambiance within the track and by using panning, create a realistic stereo field that enhances the quality of the mix and the production value of the sequence. At one particular point I had the sound of the car repeated during the death montage and used a delay effect that operated in time with the editing.
  • Video Effects: Premiere has a large array of video effects that can be added/removed instantly. This allowed us to change the film to black and white in the editing stage - whereas with film they would have most likely had to use black and white film and be unable to change it. Another effect which was helpful was the brightness/contrast setting which allowed us to get the best definition and viewing experience possible
  • Audio Effects: I have some experience with working in a recording environment and mixing so I was delighted to find that Adobe Premiere featured a full range of professional audio effects which could be layered on top of each other. Those include: Delay, Reverb, EQ and lots more.
  • It's a very popular program with plenty of resources online that can provide help with certain aspects of the film. This is another aspect of digital technology that is extremely helpful since a vast array of information is available at any given time 
At the end of this I learnt that editing is an extremely important process that can either make or break a film so it's good to spend some time learning to use the software and getting the final cut right.

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